“Any seating in the licensed premises shall be so arranged as to allow free access to all exits there from”
Please note the Authority limit’s the number of people in each room as follows:-
Main Hall 120
Main Hall Extension 40
Green Room 60
Meeting Room 18
Invoices can be paid at any time once an invoice has been received but not later than three weeks prior to the event booked. Full refunds are available up to three weeks (twenty-one days) before the event but not after that time. Non-payment of invoices will result in a cancellation of the event and the time slot offered to other Users.
Due to new legislation please read carefully the notes below.
Car Parking:
Users of the Hall are requested to ensure that the entrance to the apartments are not restricted by cars parking in Smithy Court.
Data Protection Act:
The information provided will be recorded on a computer to facilitate administration of the hall
Smoking Policy:
The following conditions apply to all Users of the Hall unless otherwise agreed in writing by the committee (“The Committee”)
1. The User:
The intended User (“the User”) should inspect the Hall before booking to ensure that it is suitable for its intended purpose.
2. Area of Use:
The User must restrict his use of the specific room(s) or area agreed and to the facilities within it. The Committee shall be under no liability for any unauthorised use .
3. Access:
The Caretaker will inform the User of the doors to be used for entrance and exit. Emergency Exit doors are clearly marked. The areas in front of them should be kept clear and the doors are to be used only for emergency exits.
3a. Entrance Card:
The Caretaker will provide the User with a swipe card to enter the hall. This should be returned as soon as possible after exiting the Hall.
4. Overcrowding:
For safely reasons there is a limit to the number of persons who may use the hall at any time, please see above.
5. Sale of Alcoholic Drink:
If the intention is to sell by any method alcoholic drinks, then a Temporary Entertainment Notice must be obtained from Leeds City Council by the User, however prior permission must be obtained from the Management Committee as by law the Hall is now limited to 12 events per year.
6. Dances/Parties:
or similar functions must be finished by 1.00am on all nights except SATURDAY when they must finish at 11.45 pm
7. Discos:
The User is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission.
1. Equipment:
Tables, chairs and other equipment are available on request from the Caretaker but must not be used unless arrangements have been made in advance. Chairs and tables should be set out by the User and returned to appropriate storage place after use. Decorations, posters etc must not be fixed anywhere without permission - the Caretaker will provide guidance on this issue if required.
2. Tablecloths:
These are available for use by prior arrangement with the Caretaker. Laundering will be charged for by arrangement with the Caretaker and damage to the cloths i.e.candlewax or stains if not remedied by laundering will be charged for at replacement value. Please refer to the Caretaker for guidance.
3. Marquee Tent Liners:
Please note that these should be of the pop up variety and should not be attached to the floor or walls with nails or staples. Please refer to the Caretaker for guidance.
4. Heaters:
Various parts of the Hall are equipped with gas and electric heaters. Thermostats are set at an equable temperature. The User must not permit any variation in the settings or any other interference with the heaters. The settings of the water heater in the kitchen must not be altered
For Heating queries during hire period please contact Amy Trutch 07980 552785 or Philip Skelton 07801 651790
5. Kitchen:
The User should check and inspect the kitchen and equipment before booking to ensure that is it suitable for their purpose and safe for persons who will be using it. The User must refrain from using any of the equipment with which he is not familiar. The User may not introduce their own equipment without permission nor adapt any of the Hall’s equipment in any way. No Smoking is permitted in the kitchen area and throughout the premises. Kitchen equipment which is damaged or found to be missing will be charged to the User.
6. Bar:
The bar, including glasses and washing up facilities is available for as part of the Main Hall Extension room hire.
7. Clearing of the Hall:
The User is expected to leave the Hall clean and tidy and clear of any equipment that has been used. In particular chairs and tables should be returned to the correct storage space. Crockery should be washed and dried. The hire charge includes light cleaning, any additional cleaning required if the Hall is left in an untidy or dirty condition will be charged to the User. For some bookings a deposit is required, which is repayable if the hire conditions are not broken.
8. Recycling:
In line with Local Authority Guidelines the Hall recycles where possible.
Items for recycling are to be placed in the Recycling Bin in the kitchen or directly into the green Recycling Bin in the car park.
For further details on what to recycle please refer to notices in the kitchen.
9. Parking:
The use of the Hall does not imply the right to park vehicles in its car park and the Committee reserves the right to request users to move vehicles parked there. Users should note the access road to the apartments alongside the Hall is a private road for the use of residents and their guests.
10. Security:
The Committee cannot insure property of the User. Persons using the Hall are responsible for their own property and vehicles parked in its car park. The Committee accepts no liability in respect of such matters.
11. Locking up the Hall:
The User is responsible for switching off all lights and leaving the Hall securely locked.
12. Privacy Notice and Consent Policy
We will collect a minimal amount of information from you in order for you to use or work in the Hall. This information will come only from you. We do not source your data from third parties, nor do we share it with them unless you have explicitly consented. The data we collect is stored securely and used to manage the Hall. We keep these records up-to-date every time we are notified of a change. All records are deleted or destroyed within a limited period of time after Hall usage.
It is the direct responsibility of the User to ensure that these conditions are observed and the User will indemnify the Committee against any claim or loss arising out of the breach or non-observance of these conditions.
Please note the Authority limit’s the number of people in each room as follows:-
Main Hall 120
Main Hall Extension 40
Green Room 60
Meeting Room 18
Invoices can be paid at any time once an invoice has been received but not later than three weeks prior to the event booked. Full refunds are available up to three weeks (twenty-one days) before the event but not after that time. Non-payment of invoices will result in a cancellation of the event and the time slot offered to other Users.
Due to new legislation please read carefully the notes below.
Car Parking:
Users of the Hall are requested to ensure that the entrance to the apartments are not restricted by cars parking in Smithy Court.
Data Protection Act:
The information provided will be recorded on a computer to facilitate administration of the hall
Smoking Policy:
The following conditions apply to all Users of the Hall unless otherwise agreed in writing by the committee (“The Committee”)
1. The User:
The intended User (“the User”) should inspect the Hall before booking to ensure that it is suitable for its intended purpose.
2. Area of Use:
The User must restrict his use of the specific room(s) or area agreed and to the facilities within it. The Committee shall be under no liability for any unauthorised use .
3. Access:
The Caretaker will inform the User of the doors to be used for entrance and exit. Emergency Exit doors are clearly marked. The areas in front of them should be kept clear and the doors are to be used only for emergency exits.
3a. Entrance Card:
The Caretaker will provide the User with a swipe card to enter the hall. This should be returned as soon as possible after exiting the Hall.
4. Overcrowding:
For safely reasons there is a limit to the number of persons who may use the hall at any time, please see above.
5. Sale of Alcoholic Drink:
If the intention is to sell by any method alcoholic drinks, then a Temporary Entertainment Notice must be obtained from Leeds City Council by the User, however prior permission must be obtained from the Management Committee as by law the Hall is now limited to 12 events per year.
6. Dances/Parties:
or similar functions must be finished by 1.00am on all nights except SATURDAY when they must finish at 11.45 pm
7. Discos:
The User is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission.
1. Equipment:
Tables, chairs and other equipment are available on request from the Caretaker but must not be used unless arrangements have been made in advance. Chairs and tables should be set out by the User and returned to appropriate storage place after use. Decorations, posters etc must not be fixed anywhere without permission - the Caretaker will provide guidance on this issue if required.
2. Tablecloths:
These are available for use by prior arrangement with the Caretaker. Laundering will be charged for by arrangement with the Caretaker and damage to the cloths i.e.candlewax or stains if not remedied by laundering will be charged for at replacement value. Please refer to the Caretaker for guidance.
3. Marquee Tent Liners:
Please note that these should be of the pop up variety and should not be attached to the floor or walls with nails or staples. Please refer to the Caretaker for guidance.
4. Heaters:
Various parts of the Hall are equipped with gas and electric heaters. Thermostats are set at an equable temperature. The User must not permit any variation in the settings or any other interference with the heaters. The settings of the water heater in the kitchen must not be altered
For Heating queries during hire period please contact Amy Trutch 07980 552785 or Philip Skelton 07801 651790
5. Kitchen:
The User should check and inspect the kitchen and equipment before booking to ensure that is it suitable for their purpose and safe for persons who will be using it. The User must refrain from using any of the equipment with which he is not familiar. The User may not introduce their own equipment without permission nor adapt any of the Hall’s equipment in any way. No Smoking is permitted in the kitchen area and throughout the premises. Kitchen equipment which is damaged or found to be missing will be charged to the User.
6. Bar:
The bar, including glasses and washing up facilities is available for as part of the Main Hall Extension room hire.
7. Clearing of the Hall:
The User is expected to leave the Hall clean and tidy and clear of any equipment that has been used. In particular chairs and tables should be returned to the correct storage space. Crockery should be washed and dried. The hire charge includes light cleaning, any additional cleaning required if the Hall is left in an untidy or dirty condition will be charged to the User. For some bookings a deposit is required, which is repayable if the hire conditions are not broken.
8. Recycling:
In line with Local Authority Guidelines the Hall recycles where possible.
Items for recycling are to be placed in the Recycling Bin in the kitchen or directly into the green Recycling Bin in the car park.
For further details on what to recycle please refer to notices in the kitchen.
9. Parking:
The use of the Hall does not imply the right to park vehicles in its car park and the Committee reserves the right to request users to move vehicles parked there. Users should note the access road to the apartments alongside the Hall is a private road for the use of residents and their guests.
10. Security:
The Committee cannot insure property of the User. Persons using the Hall are responsible for their own property and vehicles parked in its car park. The Committee accepts no liability in respect of such matters.
11. Locking up the Hall:
The User is responsible for switching off all lights and leaving the Hall securely locked.
12. Privacy Notice and Consent Policy
We will collect a minimal amount of information from you in order for you to use or work in the Hall. This information will come only from you. We do not source your data from third parties, nor do we share it with them unless you have explicitly consented. The data we collect is stored securely and used to manage the Hall. We keep these records up-to-date every time we are notified of a change. All records are deleted or destroyed within a limited period of time after Hall usage.
It is the direct responsibility of the User to ensure that these conditions are observed and the User will indemnify the Committee against any claim or loss arising out of the breach or non-observance of these conditions.